Grasping the Nettle

Grasping the nettle, an expression for addressing or dealing with a difficult subject. Not  something that most of us are comfortable doing. I was going to write a different piece about our reluctance to do this but followed what came out on the page instead. Glad I did.

Grasping the Nettle

Never popular
To be avoided
Full of dangerous vitality
Urging caution
The wearing of gloves perhaps
Or learning a method of grasping safely

Similarly with issues with others
Best keep a safe distance
Reluctant to speak
In case the wrong thing, the true thing blurts out
A brief parole from the prison of niceness

Memories of childhood
Household thunder and lightning
Raging fury
Now keep our lips sealed
Terrified that demons will erupt from our mouth
That anguished tears will flow
That our faces become gargoyles
That poisonous thoughts will give shameful voice

And when the lava cools,
What then?
A return to punishment,
Further banishment?
Or can we allow ourselves to stumble into the dark unknown?
To give voice to calmer words that heal,
Regret, apology, clarity,
Sharing our common frustrations, our stupidity, our ignorance

Expressing a willingness to learn
To do it better next time
And the time after that
As the once feared demons of difference will reveal their true identity
Architects and builders of bridges
Where we can safely meet and share our fearless truths
Honestly, carefully
With equal regard

What I love is showing you how to move from conflict to connection, from argument to agreement in ways that mean everyone gets what they truly desire.