Seven Steps to Transform Your Anger – Now!

Ever get angry with someone and hours later you’re still playing the scene over and over?

Here’s a simple 7 step sequence you can follow that will make all the difference.

1) Think about someone who annoys you, irritates or intimidates you.

2) Close your eyes and make an image of them. Have them look at you in whatever way they look at you when you are affected adversely by them 

3) Hear them say whatever they say and notice the tone, pitch and speed of their voice. Remember the way they are standing or sitting and any gestures they make or what movements they make. Really bring the image to life.

4) Now take the image and change it from colour to black and white. If it was a movie, make it a still image like a photograph.

5) Now move the image from where you are holding it in your mind’s eye right now to a place far off in the distance. Make it much smaller, at least an eighth of the size. Place a clown’s red nose on them.

6) Hear them say what they say but change their voice so that it sounds like a cartoon character that you find amusing, speed it up or slow it down.

7) Now you have control of where and how they live inside your memory, notice how you are feeling in relation to them and what they have done or said in the past.
Feel free to play with further changes to their voice and how they look in your mind’s eye.
Find out what works best and use that until there is little or no emotional charge about them left for you.


What I love is showing you how to move from conflict to connection, from argument to agreement in ways that mean everyone gets what they truly desire.