‘Who Would You Be Without That Thought?’ – Byron Katie


I came upon the work of Byron Katie several years ago which led me to a one day workshop and purchase of her book. Her story is not unusual except for one important distinction – she realised that the pain and suffering she was experiencing were caused by certain repetitive thoughts and found a method of enquiry that led her out of the self-created suffering. She has led trainings to share her realisations and method in order to do for others what she did for herself.

Texas-born Byron Katie teaches a method of emotional self-care called ‘The Work’, which she developed after suffering a period of depression, addiction and disordered eating while in her 40’s.
Her model has similarities to CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) and borrows some elements from Buddhist thinking; notably its emphasis on detaching ourselves from our beliefs and egos.

Katie’s technique hinges on four questions
 to ask ourselves when snagged on repetitive thoughts that are causing mental pain or stress:
*Is it true?
**Can you absolutely know it’s true?
***How do you react, what happens, when you believe that thought?
****Who would you be without that thought?”

She has taught her method of self-questioning in workshops and retreats, and has also created sets of worksheets for people to download and use as part of an ongoing practice.
Website: thework.com
Twitter: @ByronKatie
Books: thework.com/books
Video introduction to ‘The Work’ technique: https://youtu.be/HIuCvUJWMfM

What I love is showing you how to move from conflict to connection, from argument to agreement in ways that mean everyone gets what they truly desire.